Episode 157 (Season 2, Episode 13)
Systems for Rolling in the Dough
I know you’re crying yourself to sleep right now, knowing that Season 2 of the Boom Podcast is coming to a close. Well hold those tears back—we have a full episode of new content and a “wrap up” episode still to go!
In our latest episode, the Boom Team celebrates all the money that you’ve made by implementing all of those systems, then teaches you how to hide it from everyone. Okay, we don’t go that deep. But we do teach you ways to ensure that you’ll have plenty of money moving forward to run your business like a business and to play the long game!
Of course, what would be a Boom Podcast without some fun? Here are a few important questions that you need to consider right now. Then, message us with your answers: 1) Can you swim in a pool of jello? 2) What’s your favorite pudding? 3) What do you call your money? These are very important things to consider.
Now, back to your crying…
Email: info@boomrealestatepodcast.com
Web: www.boomrealestatepodcast.com
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1P-rEDZ1h2UYT20EN4mYQ
Real Estate On Purpose: http://reonpurpose.com/
30-Day Jumpstart: http://boom30.com/
Episode 156 (Season 2, Episode 12)
Systems for Retention
You prepped at night, started the day right, built your business, and have a team there to assist you. But how do you keep them? The Boom Team dives into the systems that you need to not just retain your team members, but have them singing your praises!
In addition, Todd breaks away from his reliance on Producer Christian and uses his own sounder to introduce America’s latest game to sweep the nation, “Photo Bomb”! (This game actually didn’t go over very well.)
Join the Boom Team, take a walk down Retention Lane, and send us your most recent GIFs/selfies! (It’ll make more sense once you listen. You’ll also understand why it didn’t go over well. Sorry. We tried—kind of.
Email: info@boomrealestatepodcast.com
Web: www.boomrealestatepodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boomrealestatepodcast
Instagram: https://instagram.com/boompodcast/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1P-rEDZ1h2UYT20EN4mYQ
Real Estate On Purpose: http://reonpurpose.com/
30-Day Jumpstart: http://boom30.com/
Episode 155 (Season 2, Episode 11)
Systems for Recruiting
The Boom Team finally gets serious and spends almost half of this episode diving deep into the world of socks! From what constitutes a “throw-away” to the best place to fulfill all of your sock needs, they give you all the details about how you should play your sock game! They also give you the details about what has helped them with recruiting, but let’s get back to socks…
Join Megan, Terry, Todd and Producer Christian to learn what has helped them grow their real estate team over the years, along with suggestions they have for you. (HINT: it has to do with socks). Recruit. Train. Retain. That’s the name of the game. Recruiting comes first. Listen closely to get a “well-socked” leg up on your competitors!
Email: info@boomrealestatepodcast.com
Web: www.boomrealestatepodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boomrealestatepodcast
Instagram: https://instagram.com/boompodcast/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1P-rEDZ1h2UYT20EN4mYQ
Real Estate On Purpose: http://reonpurpose.com/
30-Day Jumpstart: http://boom30.com/
Episode 154 (Season 2, Episode 10)
Seller Systems (Post-Listing)
The Boom Team continues the journey through the Seller process as they go from listing your properties to the celebrations that come after the closing. Every nuance will be explored and evaluated, so that you can improve your Seller systems to run your business more efficiently.
Of course, what would a Boom Podcast be without some odd tangents like: baby sharks (cue the song), AC/DC, Dixie Chicks, and Terry’s admittance that he may not be as buff as should be. All of this, plus the joy of seeing Producer Christian’s brain work on the spot with some live jingle-editing! Let’s continue our journey through the Systems of Boom!
Email: info@boomrealestatepodcast.com
Web: www.boomrealestatepodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boomrealestatepodcast
Instagram: https://instagram.com/boompodcast/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1P-rEDZ1h2UYT20EN4mYQ
Real Estate On Purpose: http://reonpurpose.com/
30-Day Jumpstart: http://boom30.com/